Sabtu, 27 April 2013

List Dofollow Blog CommentLuv 2013

| 26 komentar
List Dofollow Blog Dengan CommentLuv 2013, hmmm setelah vakum beberapa hari karena koneksi internet saya ngadat, kali ini saya mencoba kembali mengupdate blog tak bernyawa ini dengan harapan bisa mendulang nyawa yang hilang itu kembali. Topik yang saya angkat di postingan ini bisa dibilang khusus untuk para webmaster (blogger) se-Indonesia karena menyangkut Backlink. Tentu kita semua sudah paham apa itu backlink. Tapi kalau ada yang belum, saya hanya memberikan sedikit penjelasan, backlink adalah anak cucunya SEO.

Walaupun dengan kehadiran google panda dan anak buahnya, menurut informasi yang saya peroleh, backlink masih diperlukan untuk mengangkat posisi sebuah web/blog di mesin pencari. Walaupun bukan merupakan satu-satunya cara, tapi backlink tetap diperlukan.

via List Dofollow Blog CommentLuv 2013


Iron Man 3 off at the box office

| 16 komentar
Iron Man 3 off at the box office Not surprisingly, Tony Stark dominates the head and armor the French classification, after its first day of operation, with 381,000 entries.

Who else but a superhero to raise attendance in theaters? Iron Man3 saved, if the widow and the orphan, the French box office one afternoon. 381,000 spectators went to see the third installment of the adventures of Iron Man, according to CBO box office. After the session of 14 hours, Tony Stark had already triumphed over adversity in Paris with 4600 entries, the second best start of the year after Django Unchained, Quentin Tarantino, who had drawn faster than his shadow in January.



A future Harry Potter park in California

| 14 komentar
A future Harry Potter park in California - Universal Studios Hollywood group received the green light for expansion work worth 1.6 billion USD. Would result in the construction of? A Harry Potter park will be restored when the Hogwarts castle and? Other locations in the saga.

The park is dedicated to Hollywood blockbusters will be expanded 185,800 square meters, according to The Los Angeles Times.
